
class xbout.boutdataset.BoutDatasetAccessor(ds)[source]#

Bases: object

Contains BOUT-specific methods to use on BOUT++ datasets opened using open_boutdataset().

These BOUT-specific methods and attributes are accessed via the bout accessor, e.g. ds.bout.options returns a BoutOptionsFile instance.





Add Cartesian (X,Y,Z) coordinates.

animate_list(variables[, animate_over, ...])

type variables:


Create a new Dataset with all 3d variables transformed to non-field-aligned coordinates

from_region(name[, with_guards])

Get a logically-rectangular section of data from a certain region.


Get bounding surfaces.

get_field_aligned(name[, caching])

Get a field-aligned version of a variable, calculating (and caching in the Dataset) if necessary

integrate_midpoints(variable, *[, dims, ...])

Integrate using the midpoint rule for spatial dimensions, and trapezium rule for time.

interpolate_from_unstructured(variables, *)

Interpolate Dataset onto new grids of some existing coordinates

interpolate_parallel(variables, **kwargs)

Interpolate in the parallel direction to get a higher resolution version of a subset of variables.

interpolate_to_cartesian([nX, nY, nZ, ...])

Interpolate the Dataset to a regular Cartesian grid.


Remove y-boundary points, if present, from the Dataset

save([savepath, filetype, variables, ...])

Save data variables to a netCDF file.


Create a new Dataset with all 3d variables transformed to field-aligned coordinates, which are shifted with respect to the base coordinates by an angle zShift

to_restart([variables, savepath, nxpe, ...])

Write out a timestep as a set of netCDF BOUT.restart files.



The default factor to increase resolution when doing parallel interpolation


Add Cartesian (X,Y,Z) coordinates.


  • Dataset with new coordinates added, which are named 'X_cartesian',

  • 'Y_cartesian', and 'Z_cartesian'

animate_list(variables, animate_over=None, save_as=None, show=False, fps=10, nrows=None, ncols=None, poloidal_plot=False, axis_coords=None, subplots_adjust=None, vmin=None, vmax=None, logscale=None, titles=None, aspect=None, extend=None, controls='both', tight_layout=True, **kwargs)[source]#
  • variables (list of str or BoutDataArray) – The variables to plot. For any string passed, the corresponding variable in this DataSet is used - then the calling DataSet must have only 3 dimensions. It is possible to pass BoutDataArrays to allow more flexible plots, e.g. with different variables being plotted against different axes.

  • animate_over (str, optional) – Dimension over which to animate, defaults to the time dimension

  • save_as (str, optional) – If passed, a gif is created with this filename

  • show (bool, optional) – Call pyplot.show() to display the animation

  • fps (float, optional) – Indicates the number of frames per second to play

  • nrows (int, optional) – Specify the number of rows of plots

  • ncols (int, optional) – Specify the number of columns of plots

  • poloidal_plot (bool or sequence of bool, optional) – If set to True, make all 2D animations in the poloidal plane instead of using grid coordinates, per variable if sequence is given

  • axis_coords (None, str, dict or list of None, str or dict) –

    Coordinates to use for axis labelling.

    • None: Use the dimension coordinate for each axis, if it exists.

    • ”index”: Use the integer index values.

    • dict: keys are dimension names, values set axis_coords for each axis separately. Values can be: None, “index”, the name of a 1d variable or coordinate (which must have the dimension given by ‘key’), or a 1d numpy array, dask array or DataArray whose length matches the length of the dimension given by ‘key’.

    Only affects time coordinate for plots with poloidal_plot=True. If a list is passed, it must have the same length as ‘variables’ and gives the axis_coords setting for each plot individually. The setting to use for the ‘animate_over’ coordinate can be passed in one or more dict values, but must be the same in all dicts if given more than once.

  • subplots_adjust (dict, optional) – Arguments passed to fig.subplots_adjust()()

  • vmin (float or sequence of floats) – Minimum value for color scale, per variable if a sequence is given

  • vmax (float or sequence of floats) – Maximum value for color scale, per variable if a sequence is given

  • logscale (bool or float, sequence of bool or float, optional) – If True, default to a logarithmic color scale instead of a linear one. If a non-bool type is passed it is treated as a float used to set the linear threshold of a symmetric logarithmic scale as linthresh=min(abs(vmin),abs(vmax))*logscale, defaults to 1e-5 if True is passed. Per variable if sequence is given.

  • titles (sequence of str or None, optional) – Custom titles for each plot. Pass None in the sequence to use the default for a certain variable

  • aspect (str or None, or sequence of str or None, optional) – Argument to set_aspect() for each plot. Defaults to “equal” for poloidal plots and “auto” for others.

  • extend (str or None, optional) – Passed to fig.colorbar()

  • controls (string or None, default "both") – By default, add both the timeline and play/pause toggle to the animation. If “timeline” is passed add only the timeline, if “toggle” is passed add only the play/pause toggle. If None or an empty string is passed, add neither.

  • tight_layout (bool or dict, optional) – If set to False, don’t call tight_layout() on the figure. If a dict is passed, the dict entries are passed as arguments to tight_layout()

  • **kwargs (dict, optional) – Additional keyword arguments are passed on to each animation function, per variable if a sequence is given.


An animatplot.Animation object.

Return type:


property fine_interpolation_factor#

The default factor to increase resolution when doing parallel interpolation


Create a new Dataset with all 3d variables transformed to non-field-aligned coordinates

from_region(name, with_guards=None)[source]#

Get a logically-rectangular section of data from a certain region. Includes guard cells from neighbouring regions.

  • name (str) – Region to get data for

  • with_guards (int or dict of int, optional) – Number of guard cells to include, by default use MXG and MYG from BOUT++. Pass a dict to set different numbers for different coordinates.

get_bounding_surfaces(coords=('R', 'Z'))[source]#

Get bounding surfaces. Surfaces are returned as arrays of points describing a polygon, assuming the third spatial dimension is a symmetry direction.


coords ((str, str), default (``”R”, ``"Z")) – Pair of names of coordinates whose values are used to give the positions of the points in the result


result – Each DataArray in the list contains points on a boundary, with size (<number of points in the bounding polygon>, 2). Points wind clockwise around the outside domain, and anti-clockwise around the inside (if there is an inner boundary).

Return type:

list of DataArrays

get_field_aligned(name, caching=True)[source]#

Get a field-aligned version of a variable, calculating (and caching in the Dataset) if necessary

  • name (str) – Name of the variable to get field-aligned version of

  • caching (bool, optional) – Save the field-aligned variable in the Dataset (default: True)

integrate_midpoints(variable, *, dims=None, cumulative_t=False)[source]#

Integrate using the midpoint rule for spatial dimensions, and trapezium rule for time.

The quantity being integrated is assumed to be a scalar variable.

When doing a 1d integral in the ‘y’ dimension, the integral is calculated as a poloidal integral if the variable is on the standard grid (direction_y attribute is “Standard”), or as a parallel-to-B integral if the variable is on the field-aligned grid (direction_y attribute is “Aligned”).

When doing a 2d integral over ‘x’ and ‘y’ dimensions, the integral will be over poloidal cross-sections if the variable is not field-aligned (direction_y == "Standard") and over field-aligned surfaces if the variable is field-aligned (direction_ == "Aligned"). The latter seems unlikely to be useful as the surfaces depend on the arbitrary origin used for zShift.

Is a method of BoutDataset accessor rather than of BoutDataArray so we can use other variables like \(J\), \(g^{11}\), \(g_{22}\) for the integration.

Note the xarray.DataArray.integrate() method uses the trapezium rule, which is not consistent with the way BOUT++ defines grid spacings as cell widths. Also, this way for example:

inner = da.isel(x=slice(i)).bout.integrate_midpoints()
outer = da.isel(x=slice(i, None).bout.integrate_midpoints()
total = da.bout.integrate_midpoints()
inner + outer == total

while with the trapezium rule you would have to select radial=slice(i+1) for inner to get a similar relation to be true.

  • variable (str or DataArray) – Name of the variable to integrate, or the variable itself as a DataArray.

  • dims (str, list of str or ...) – Dimensions to integrate over. Can be any combination of of the dimensions of the Dataset. Defaults to integration over all spatial dimensions. If ... is passed, integrate over all dimensions including time.

  • cumulative_t (bool, default False) – If integrating in time, return the cumulative integral (integral from the beginning up to each point in the time dimension) instead of the definite integral.

interpolate_from_unstructured(variables, *, fill_value=nan, structured_output=True, unstructured_dim_name='unstructured_dim', **kwargs)[source]#

Interpolate Dataset onto new grids of some existing coordinates

  • variables (str or sequence of str or ...) – The names of the variables to interpolate. If ‘variables=…’ is passed explicitly, then interpolate all variables in the Dataset.

  • **kwargs ((str, array)) – Each keyword is the name of a coordinate in the DataArray, the argument is a 1d array giving the values of that coordinate on the output grid

  • fill_value (float) – fill_value passed through to scipy.interpolation.griddata

  • structured_output (bool, default True) – If True, treat output coordinates values as a structured grid. If False, output coordinate values must all have the same length and are not broadcast together.

  • unstructured_dim_name (str, default "unstructured_dim") – Name used for the dimension in the output that replaces the dimensions of the interpolated coordinates. Only used if structured_output=False.


Dataset interpolated onto a new, structured grid

Return type:


interpolate_parallel(variables, **kwargs)[source]#

Interpolate in the parallel direction to get a higher resolution version of a subset of variables.

Note that the high-resolution variables are all loaded into memory, so most likely it is necessary to select only a small number. The toroidal_points argument can also be used to reduce the memory demand.

  • variables (str or sequence of str or ...) – The names of the variables to interpolate. If ‘variables=…’ is passed explicitly, then interpolate all variables in the Dataset.

  • n (int, optional) – The factor to increase the resolution by. Defaults to the value set by BoutDataset.setupParallelInterp(), or 10 if that has not been called.

  • toroidal_points (int or sequence of int, optional) – If int, number of toroidal points to output, applies a stride to toroidal direction to save memory usage. If sequence of int, the indexes of toroidal points for the output.

  • method (str, optional) – The interpolation method to use. Options from xarray.DataArray.interp(), currently: linear, nearest, zero, slinear, quadratic, cubic. Default is ‘cubic’.


  • A new Dataset containing a high-resolution versions of the variables. The new

  • Dataset is a valid BoutDataset, although containing only the specified variables.

interpolate_to_cartesian(nX=300, nY=300, nZ=100, *, use_float32=True, fill_value=nan)[source]#

Interpolate the Dataset to a regular Cartesian grid.

This method is intended to be used to produce data for visualisation, which normally does not require double-precision values, so by default the data is converted to numpy.float32. Pass use_float32=False to retain the original precision.

  • nX (int (default 300)) – Number of grid points in the X direction

  • nY (int (default 300)) – Number of grid points in the Y direction

  • nZ (int (default 100)) – Number of grid points in the Z direction

  • use_float32 (bool (default True)) – Downgrade precision to numpy.float32?

  • fill_value (float (default np.nan)) – Value to use for points outside the interpolation domain (passed to scipy.interpolate.RegularGridInterpolator)

See also



Remove y-boundary points, if present, from the Dataset

save(savepath='./boutdata.nc', filetype='NETCDF4', variables=None, save_dtype=None, separate_vars=False, pre_load=False)[source]#

Save data variables to a netCDF file.

  • savepath (str, optional) –

  • filetype (str, optional) –

  • variables (list of str, optional) – Variables from the dataset to save. Default is to save all of them.

  • separate_vars (bool, optional) – If this is true then every variable which depends on time (but not solely on time) will be saved into a different output file. The files are labelled by the name of the variable. Variables which don’t meet this criterion will be present in every output file.

  • pre_load (bool, optional) – When saving separate variables, will load each variable into memory before saving to file, which can be considerably faster.


If separate_vars=True, then multiple files will be created. These can all be opened and merged in one go using a call of the form:

ds = xr.open_mfdataset('boutdata_*.nc', combine='nested', concat_dim=None)

Create a new Dataset with all 3d variables transformed to field-aligned coordinates, which are shifted with respect to the base coordinates by an angle zShift

to_restart(variables=None, *, savepath='.', nxpe=None, nype=None, tind=-1, prefix='BOUT.restart', overwrite=False)[source]#

Write out a timestep as a set of netCDF BOUT.restart files.

If processor decomposition is not specified then data will be saved using the decomposition it had when loaded.

  • variables (str or sequence of str, optional) – The evolving variables needed in the restart files. If not given explicitly, all time-evolving variables in the Dataset will be used, which may result in larger restart files than necessary. If there is no time-dimension in the Dataset (e.g. if it was loaded from restart files), then all variables will be added if this argument is not given explicitly.

  • savepath (str, default '.') – Directory to save the created restart files under

  • nxpe (int, optional) – Number of processors in the x-direction. If not given, keep the number used for the original simulation

  • nype (int, optional) – Number of processors in the y-direction. If not given, keep the number used for the original simulation

  • tind (int, default -1) – Time-index of the slice to write to the restart files. Note, when creating restart files from ‘dump’ files it is recommended to open the Dataset using the full time range and use the tind argument here, rather than selecting a time point manually, so that the calculation of hist_hi in the output can be correct (which requires knowing the existing value of hist_hi (output step count at the end of the simulation), tind and the total number of time points in the current output data).

  • prefix (str, default "BOUT.restart") – Prefix to use for names of restart files

  • overwrite (bool, default False) – By default, raises if restart file already exists. Set to True to overwrite existing files