Extending xBOUT for your BOUT module

Extending xBOUT for your BOUT module#

The accessor classes BoutDatasetAccessor and BoutDataArrayAccessor are intended to be subclassed for specific BOUT++ modules. The subclass accessor will then inherit all the .bout accessor methods, but you will also be able to override these and define your own methods within your new accessor.

For example to add an extra method specific to the STORM BOUT++ module:

from xarray import register_dataset_accessor
from xbout.boutdataset import BoutDatasetAccessor

class StormAccessor(BoutAccessor):
    def __init__(self, ds_object):

    def special_method(self):
        print("Do something only STORM users would want to do")

>>> ds.storm.special_method()
Do something only STORM users would want to do

There is included an example of a StormDataset which contains all the data from a STORM simulation, as well as extra calculated quantities which are specific to the STORM module.